1.Lait o lal se kam lena ?ٹالمٹول کرنا
2.Gadriya written by ? Ishfaq Ahmad
3.Aatish Kada written by? Dr Tehseen
4.admi ko musar ni insan hna poet ? Ghalib
5.2 series 1 age question.
8.Leukemia? Blood disease
9.Thirade Glands ? Throat
10.1st woman in space? Valentina
11.Damage ozone result in? Skin cancer
12.Genoa sea port? Italy
13.Somalia capital? Mogadishu
14.Burma city ? Rangoon
15.President of Cuba? Maguial Daz currently
16.Ummul kitab Surah ? Fateha
17.Prophet Mohammed PBUH traveled to syria with Hazrat Abu Talib at the age of ? 12
18.Prophet Mohammed gave the key of Kaabah to which Sahabi ? Hazrat usman
19.USA total states ? 50
20.Sillicon Valley ? Califonrina
21.Comp. usage in hospitals? Options k bgair nai
22.Anti Malaria medicine? Cholorquin
23.1st President of Muslim League. Sir agha Khan
24.Shah Walliullah born in the reign of ? Alamgier k era me 1703 k0
25.Country not in South Asia ? Options k bgair na Bata skta
26.En route meaning ? On the way
27.Romans triumphed......romans? Over
28.Static antonyms ? Mobile
29.1st Marathon race in pak ? Lahore 2005
30.1st lady in space ? Valentina
31.1st president of all ind muslim league? Agha Khan
32.Page orientation in ms excel 2016 ? 2
33 Window invented by ? Bil gates paul allen
1. New market with same product
2. Components of attitude
3. Deep and surface acting for?
4. Short term change with reason behind it.
5. which manager need high lev3l of human skill
6.manager as a bridge between lower managers and top managers
7. Which role of manager to act between stakeholders.
8. Diff between marketing and sales.
9. Marketing is?
10. Variable with infinite values.
11. Product with low cost strategy
12. Pricing strategy to only cover cost
13. HerzbRg theory motivation factor?
14. Herzberg theory contains hygiene and motivation
15. Order for maslows theory
16. Worth of business
17. Deffered tax payment
18. Payment over interest
19. Setting objectives and devising strategies.
20. Job enrichment
21. First step of human resource process
22. Current and Future needs of workforce
23. Which factor of transformational leader at individual level
24. Manager by virtue of his level has?
25. What is 5th p in marketing
26. Which scale with a value of zero?
27. Which preference shareholder entitled to additional profit?
28. Mode -median
29. Service sector provides?
30. Reduction in value of intangible asset
31. Ruler of central bank
32. Printing of notes central or private
33. With decrease interest rate what will happen
34. Covid 19. Inflation ?
35. Working capital is zero when?
36. Online money used as a medium
37. Commodity Money having intrinsic value
Fiat or c
38. Human like an iceberg what is visible