Today paper Manager Auqaf 11.10.2020
Oblivion antonym
Bengin synonym
Sychophancy synonym
Kristal mosque country
Sub sahara in south of sahara
75th president of un
Adobe flash is multimedia programme
Arab mars mission is al amal
Do not count your chickens before hatching
French current pm
South korean current party in government
Brazil capital
Lagos city in nigeria
Most cultivate crop of pakistan is wheat
Moti masjid lahore
Nacl mix up with water then what happen
Raja of kashmir when accession to india
After war of jamal hazrat Ali made capital city kufa
Shab e miraj 27 rajab
Haj performed by hazrat Muhammad 10 hijri
Ghazwa khandaq 2nd name ahzab
Founder of zoom application
Which is american mobile company Apple
آب Øیات کس Ù†Û’ Ù„Ú©Ú¾ÛŒ
Ø¬Ù…ÛŒÙ„Û Ûاشمی کا اردو میں کردار
نام جو خاص خوبی یا وص٠لقب
سر سید کا Ø±Ø³Ø§Ù„Û ØªÛزیب الاخلاق
Øیات جاوید کس Ù†Û’ Ù„Ú©Ú¾ÛŒ
Pros and cons ka urdu meaning
نا مواÙÙ‚ Ùˆ خلا٠باتیں
Nasa abbreviation
A o hume was civil servant
Css abbreviation
Computer can read write and erase is???
Computer program are coding
Which countries lies on equator is ka all ans tha
Gabon, indonesia, maladives
How many Silsila of islam in india for promotion of islam???
قراۃ العین Øیدر کا رول اردو میں
Pakistan got 1st position in test ranking in which year
August 2016
4225 ka saquare root
A train is 130 m long with speed of 45km/h., the distance of bridge is? 245 m
A network bridge is a computer networking device that creates a single aggregate network from multiple communication networks or network segments. This function is called network bridging. Bridging is distinct from routing.
وارث ÚˆØ±Ø§Ù…Û Ø§Ù…Ø¬Ø¯ اسلام امجد
4 friends give rs 30 fare to driver and 30% tip of the fare and each equal fare? 13 ans
Mekong is mother of all rivers
The next eleven countries puropse
Euro currency issuance year
Pakistan recognize china in 1950
گنگو تیلی صرب المثل
Elevated area of land is mountain
World water day 22 march
Which is unparadonable sin
At the time of judgemnt day 1st accountability of which action
Wakhan corridor lies in
Yemen capital is
Current observer status country in wto in 2020
Molar and pre molar bones are found in
Which is largest fort in pakistan
Ranikot fort
Cpec task force 88
Last caliph of ummayad dynasty
Marvan 2
Justice sajjad ali shah dismissed by
Nawaz sharif
Which dig traffic police martyred in lahore in 2017
Capt mubeen
Habsha modern name. Ethopia