Psychometric Test Ministry of Defense NTS
Sample Paper
1-Personality Check: How much this statement is matched to your personality?
The response scale will provide you.
Scale will be (1) Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Slightly Agree (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree
2-Sentence Completion:
A. Complete the following sentences.
I am…………………………..
He is ………………………..
Milk is…………….
Word Association test:
B. Write any word in response to the given word that comes to your mind at first.
Boat …..
House …..
Horse ……
1-A picture will be provided by NTS and you have to write a story over that picture.
2-Please write a positive story over that picture. If a picture is showing or depicting negative impact then you have to turn that picture image from negative to positive.
IQ test
Non Verbal: 50
Verbal 50
Total allotted time: 30 minutes
REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)
It is like filling the blanks.
E.g: I like….., I love…. , Sometimes…
Around 30 in English and 30 in Urdu
MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
MCQ type questions.
E.g.: I like crime stories
A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree.
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
Traditional picture story writing. Candidates will be required to write 3 stories and 5 minutes for each story.
Associated words
A specific word will be displayed for 10 seconds and candidates will have to write sentence on the word. After 10 seconds, next word will appear.
Total words: 30
Your strengths, weaknesses etc. etc.
Note 1: There is no right or wrong answer to the questions. It is purely personality assessment test and yet one of the difficult to clear. The authorities are not interested in knowing our traits but they are searching for the required and we don’t know that what they are looking for.
Note 2: Psychological stage is very important because many of candidates will be filtered out at this stage. It is advised to prepare yourself on scientific lines.
Note 3: I cannot prepare any candidate via forum, so it is advised to consult ISSB books for preparations.