Deputy accountant (9.30-12.30) 1. World 1st hydrogen powered train by.. #Germany 2. Argartala Conspiracy instigated by... Mujeeb Ur Rehman 3. Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to? Surface tension 4. No member of SAARC....Myanmar 5. Province known as Bab ul Islam...Sindh 6. Not part of G7.. Spain 7. Selfish( Antonym)...Altruistic 8. Jihad becom compulsory.. 2 AH 9. Two Pakistani run out on 199 one is yonus Khan other is...Mudassir Nazar 10. 2nd largest continent by area and population...Africa 11. Best source of Vitamin C..Oranges 12. 1st PTV program broadcast in...Nov 1964 13. Wrong spell...transpyre 14. To be in two minds... to be uncertain 15. Biggest district by area...Bhwalpur 16. Amir timor invaded india....1398 17. Muslim country with largest population..Indonesia 18. ICC cricket world cup 2019...England and wales 19.latest version of MS excel...2019 20. Laudable means...commendable 21. River not found in Pakistan.... Beas in india 22. Indian members in Simmon commission ...No Indian 23. 42% of 550....231 24. Volga river...Russia 25. 1 km equals to....0.621 miles 26. 11 in binary..1011 27. Charles de gaulle 28. Staute of liberty gifted to USA by...France 29. Silver tanka introduced by...Iltumish 30.1st country to recognize Pakistan...iran 31. Heathrow 32.mouse invented by...Douglas Engelbart 33.which layer absorb most of Ultra violets rays....Ozon 34. Which Prophet had minimum age...Hazrt Esa 33 to 35 years 35. 17th MENA WEF summit...Jordan 36. Kargil war between Pakistan and India was fought in which year ? 1999 37 Name the first child who accept Islam? Hazrat Ali (R.A) 38. World International Human Rights Day is celebrated each year on ? 10th December 38. Who was the first chairman Senate of Pakistan? Habib Ullah Khan 39 Host of the FIFA World Cup 2018? Russia 40. Angor Wat ? A hindu Temple Complex in Combodia 41. Poor man budget presented by? Liaquat Ali Khan 42. 6th amendment in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan? 1976 43. Time magazine was founded in USA in which year? 1923 44. Mona Liza was painted by whom? Leonardo Da Vinci 45. Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan ? Liaquat Ali Khan 46. Sona chandi drama is written by whom? Munnu Bhai 47. Lady Finger Peak is situated in ? Pakistan 48. Which Country has started World First Hydrogen Train ? Germany 49. Name of the Pakistan First fighter jet aircraft was ? JF17 Thunder 50. What does the roman numeral C stands for? 100 51. Which Umayyad Leader was called as umer e sani? Umer Bin Abdul Aziz 52. It was kind to help? of 53. Pure Gold is ......... Carat 24 Carat 54. Which of the following is the largest dam of Pakistan Tarbela Dam 55.Faisal Mosque in Islamabad was designed by which Architect? Turkish 56. Pakistan National Alliance started protest against which government ? Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 57. Eight amendment in the constitution of Pakistan gave power to ... ? President 58. At the event of Miraj which ibadat became farz? Five Prayers 59. Meteorology is the study of ? Weather 60. Who is the Author of " Politics among nations" ? Hans J. Morgenthau 61. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the author of which book? If i am Assassinated 62. Chilam Joshi is the festival of? Kalash 63. Which of the following is the largest font size in drop down menu MS word 2018? 72 64. Endemic disease....disease generally prevalent in a particular area 65. 40× 5.9 = 236 66. Ramzan month...9th 67.viable (opposite) 68. Commander of infidels in Gazwa e Khandk...Abu sufyan 69. 1st to score 10000.....Suni Gavaskr 70. Pipeline project btween Russia and Turkey....TurkStream 71.39th chief of army staff of USA ... Mark Alexander Milley 72. Abrah Army...40000 73. There is no smoke without fire...some truth in rumour 74. IN MS word to extend One screen down.. ctrl + page down